Picked Up a Growing Little Gummy Bear. 

When you get married, people start asking when you’re going to “start a family.” After the first comes, people start asking when they’re going to get another sibling. For most, this usually comes and then you think the questions will stop since this generation we think two is plenty with how expensive housing, day to day expenses, and finally university is. 

Oh no, wrong! The questions don’t stop if you’re adding an addition to the family.  

After Addison, I toyed with the notion of having 3 kiddos but just didn’t think I would have the patience and energy since I’m literally drained everyday. I also wanted to go back to corporate work life when at one of girls went to public school. Guess life has a different calling for me for at least another couple years.  

The scoop. 

I’ve been using Bellabeat since I lived in London and loved how it tracked my sleeping, activity, body (period/pregnancy), and stress level so I realized I was a bit late from the tracker. So, I used 2 Clearblue plus/minus pregnancy indicators on different days and it came back negative. Breathe of relief, but still no period. So, on the anniversary of my dad’s passing (July 25), I took another Clearblue test with a digital indicator. 


Tried again later in the day and it still read the same. Pregnant. 

Awesome…well the reality didn’t sink in until I went to my family doctor, my new obgyn who is awesome and the wait time isn’t bad (whew!), and two ultrasounds later where the heartbeat is strong. Conclusion – yes there is a little gummy bear growing in me. #omg

My dad had always wanted a family of five so I’m glad to see he’s living vicariously through my growing family. Now all I can pray for is that I have his patience, strong and loving character to focus on the family first. 

P.S. I’m posting this close to 12 weeks pregnant and most go “social media” after first trimester. But, for those that know/hung out with me, if there isn’t a drink in hand something is wrong so I had to spill the beans pretty early on or I would be stuck at home driving the fam crazy. 😂 Below is me telling them yet again to snap a shot. 

📷: @freshlypicked are seriously the most comfy leather mocs. Abigail is wearing the @freshlypicked sandals which she says are soft and pretty. #toddlerapproved 

Cheers for now. Thanks for reading. xx

Room2 love. 

Dear Addison,

Now that you’re 1, a lot of changes are and will happen. You’re hopefully going to be off the bottle soon, you’re hopefully confidently walking soon, and most hopeful (for us) is you enjoy not being in our room and don’t ever come back until after 7am! 

We know you need the presence of someone else in the room and so does your sister so we thought we would ship you to her room. It was a piece of cake to do with the Joovy Room2 playard. A much bigger portable travel playard and so much nicer to look at. It’s nearly 10 square feet of space, mesh windows, elevated off the floor, and has a padded mattress. You can even order a waterproof fitted sheet. 

We also tried sticking your dockatot grand in there because you absolutely love drinking your milk in there and taking short naps in there, but when it’s bedtime, we take it out so you have plenty of space to move around freely which you do while snoozing. It’s like you’re dancing in your sleep. 

📷: 3 little girls all in one room. 

Flash forward to a little over a week later and I’m to the moon thrilled to say you have adjusted to your new room and love sleeping in your new Joovy room2. Surprisingly your cries don’t wake Abigail up at all, but hopefully this will stop soon as we are working on getting you off the need for a bottle during the night. We’re currently lessening the ounces you’re getting as well as giving you a “dream feed” before we go to bed. Fingers crossed. 

We have Joovy to thank for this amazing comfortable Room2 playard that will get plenty of use throughout our house when mommy needs to do her chores or needs to put you in “jail” because we’re hopeful one day you’ll make it to your own room or we’ll just get you and your sister a bunk bed! 

P.S. Joovy has tons of other products from strollers to bottles. They’re well made, stylish and modern for the everyday family. #joovy #family

📷: 3 little girls all comfortably sleeping the night away. 

Cheers for now and thanks for reading! 

Dear Littles. 

Isn’t it crazy to think as parents we will help in molding them to be grown ups? We will show them our habits (the crazy ones), skills (the daily ones), and our life experiences (the ones where they’re included). I’m astonished how intuitive Abigail is to our day to day and listening to me interact and portray myself. She is almost 3 year 5 months old and tells me things I would never expect to come out of her mouth.

Top 3 in the past 24 hours:

  • I have nipples, mum and dad have nipples. Mum’s has milk to feed Addison but dad doesn’t. Why don’t I have any milk?
  • I want to be superman for Halloween. I am a girl. Can I still be superman?
  • I like you a lot mum. I like daddy and baby Addison too (me: who else?). No one else as much. Not even Grandma.

These little things she says really makes me want to write/record to show her later but is there enough time in the day to do that?  I think I would opt to sleep since my #bellabeatleaf is telling me I need more sleep than the 3 hour average I’m getting which by the way is a gorgeous health tracker.

Anyhow, I’m inspired by a mama I met on Instagram to write letters to my littles. She writes daily letters to baby M. They’re so sweet and I know her little is going to love reading them when she can.  So, I’m going to try real hard to include some of these notes in my blog posts.

First one to my dear littles:

Dear A squared,

Abigail – I’m so sorry it has taken 3 years and 5 months to write you a note but better late than never right. You are my first and I love you so much. I may not show it as much with how sleep deprived I’ve been but you’re a shining star. You’re independent, strong willed, caring, and so loving to just name a few traits of you. I thought you would be jealous of the attention Addison is currently getting but you’ve been an amazing big sister and so helpful. I am so lucky to have a daughter like you. Just the other day you melted my heart when you said, “Mummy, I want to sit closer to you because I like you very much.” I pray you say this to me when you’re in high school or junior high. 

Addison – oh my, you are currently 54 days old and I can honestly say it has not flown by. You are keeping us on our toes from being a light sleeper to cradle cap, but I’m forever in love with you when you smile at me with your happy eyes and mouth. It has been a crazy experience having you literally pop out and I am happy with the push present you got me as I really didn’t push much for you to come into this world. You also came early and didn’t want to share your birthday with me! 

📷: Push present happy picture in the store.

My littles – for now, I hope you two will share with each other and please don’t fight. Don’t ever go to sleep upset with each other. 

Love, mama A  

Product LOVE: Mochi KidsWest Coast Beads Shop

Mama owner Amanda is too sweet just like her designs. Mochi Kids clothing is printed with 100% solvent free inks on American Apparel garments made in the USA. So, yes, they are super soft and toddler approved!

Mama owner Laura from Canada is amazing! She specializes in functional and baby friendly teething necklaces. Yay! My toddler loves wearing them and I know they are safe on her with the safety clasp. I found her because I originally thought West Coast meant California not Canada.


📷: clearly sisters. Do they look like me?

📷: omg baby acne & cradle cap. 😢😓 Any remedy recommendations PLEASE?

Cheers for now and thanks for reading. Maybe you will have some noodles now! xx

It’s One Month. 

Do you start your day with a list of things you’re going to do and wonder why at the end of the day you didn’t finish it? I’m currently on that boat with having a now one month old.

Addison is a tough egg to crack. She’s a super light sleeper and it sure has been a struggle getting her to sleep and then keeping her asleep. Painful is what I would call it so here’s to hoping month two is better in our flat.

BUT, at least she has some cute accessories from some amazing shops. 

📷: Hello world! I’m all smiles for mummy. 

Product LOVES (serious Liberty love!)

Mille & Bee – this mama gives back a portion of her proceeds from Liberty hair bands to a UK miscarriage association. Amazing! 

Made by Jay – baby and children’s clothing in Liberty print along with other cute accessories. She also knits shoes too! 

📷: Millie & Bee even sent this lovely card as well. 

📷: Product LOVE: Lorena Canals

2 words for the extra clean mom – machine washable. This sold me quickly and I’m in love with this rug. My 3 year old also takes her daily naps after nursery on it and insists she sleep on London. So, yes it is soft and thick enough for a toddler to nap on! 

On a happy note from one mama to another (sorry if you’re a male reading this!), 1 month post partum and everyone keeps telling me I’m looking great and what is the secret. Here goes (drum roll please):

Product LOVE: Belly Bandit

From maternity to post, Belly Bandit has me covered. I wore the upsie belly during pregnancy and it totally helped with back support and all the walking I was doing. It also had the hot/cold pack which was wonderful to use on the back as well.

After giving birth, I started wearing the bamboo belly bandit with belly shield and have been for a month now. It has been helpful as you can hopefully see and has made me feel better – now if the stretch marks would just magically disappear!

OK, now the true secret – ladies, I know you’re looking for the perfect black leggings – here they are – Mother Tucker leggings. I’m wearing them in a small.

Heading to check out the gorgeous London Aquatics centre by the late Zaha Hadid. This is pretty neat to check out if you want to visit Queen Elizabeth Olympic park (also across from the mall). There is a fun playground with sand for kids, the world tallest tunnel slide, water fun, and a river!  Worth checking out if you’re visiting for a week with kids! 

Quick note, the diaper backpack I’m wearing is from Jujube. They have a huge collection of styles and just launched a new selection. I must agree that their bag is light and a perfect fit for this mama of two so far. LOVE – the one I have is called the Black Widow from the Be Right Back collection. 

📷: Now, please give mama some sleep too.

Cheers for now and thanks for reading (would love if you subscribe – I promise I won’t “spam” you). xx

The Rollercoaster Ride of Being a Mum.  

Seriously, it’s been a roller coaster ride getting this breastfeeding down. The art of supply and demand with production of milk is definitely a work in progress and it has been rough with engorged and clogged milk ducts (thankfully, no mastitis).

I didn’t give much of a try to nursing my first and opted to pump and supplement with formula as I didn’t have much milk after a month.  Now I understand why I didn’t have much – the contact with nursing seems to be play a huge factor to building your milk production.  The sounds (cries) my babe makes now even causes my boobs to tingle and milk come out! WHOA, our body is crazy on what it does. 😯

This time around I decided my goal was to nurse and pump to maintain my sanity in saving time on cleaning/sterilizing the pump and bottles (Ok, I’m being lazy but that’s like 10 minutes of extra sleep in!).  My hubs is thinking the big savings on not spending money on formula. 💲💲


I decided to get a new pump because I wanted it to be smaller/travel friendly.  With all the research I did, I opted for the Nuby Natural Touch Digital Electric Breast Pump based on the size and how it looked.

  • 💟 After using it this past week – I’m in love for the following reasons: 
    • simple to use (on/off) with 5 settings for suction and speed.
    • stimulation and expression functions to get the let-down going and then express function starts automatically to get the milk in the bottle (you can continue watching that show with no interruptions)!
    • small and portable (I think you can get a battery pack for it as well)
    • EASY to clean/sterilize (so important)
    • suction for the boob is made of silicone so it’s comfortable! yay for our boobs!

Did you know?

Nûby is the UK’s No.1 teether and No.2 cup brand (source: IRI 52 w/e 16.06.15) and has won numerous prestigious awards including Mother&Baby, Practical Parenting, Prima Baby and Loved by Parents for Newborn Feeding, Drinking, Teething & Toys which are all independently tried and tested and voted for by parents themselves. Nûby provides high quality, innovative products that are inspired by nature and make the lives of babies and parents easier, simpler and more fun.

OK, so one of the bigger questions I had was when can I introduce the pacifer to the babe since I was scared she would get confused on how to latch on?  Addison didn’t have to wait too long (approx. 2 weeks old) to get a pacifier, so of course, we got an adorable clip to go with her paci.

Product LOVE: Blue Brontide

  • This amazing mama run shop of organic baby accessories has handmade products in her England studio along with eco friendly sourced products. Super cute and an one stop shop to sustainable accessories. 

📷: Organic dummy/pacifier clip by Blue Brontide

And when you get one present to a little, you have to give the first little something as well.  We decided to do breakfast in bed this past Sunday with her since she told me that Addison and I were always in bed drinking milk. 😜

📷: Fruit in bed with 2 adorable products sold by Blue Brontide:

📷: So in love with using wood products (as you can tell!). Don’t forget – I partnered with Jord Watches to run a GIVEAWAY where one winner will receive a $75 gift card and every ENTRANT will automatically receive a $20 gift card toward any watch. 

Cheers for now and thanks for reading! xx

36 Weeks Pregnant. 

My hubs always says it is only 9 months and I always have to correct him and say it’s actually 40 weeks which is 10 months of sacrifices. 🙄

Pregnancy the second time around has been a little bit more relaxing as I’m not stressing about everything and I feel I know what to expect when baby girl #2 comes. One thing I’ve been really focused on is making sure I’m showering lots of love and attention to my first – Abigail. 😘  We talk about baby sister a lot and what she will share and help me with to what she cannot eat or play with yet. It’s crazy at 3 years and 3 months what she remembers from these “deep” conversations we have. Love it.

We’ve been getting happy mail post for both her and baby so I always want her to feel extra special when mail is for her and she gets to wear it first.  She loves when I tell her baby sister gets it as a “hand me down.”

She loved happy mail post from Hatley since she adores wearing dresses and twirling like a ballerina or just busting a groove with finally good London weather (well one day at least). So, we have been going around town and just spending mummy and daughter time. ♥️

I fell in love with Hatley for the bright colors and adorable prints and even more in love when I read their about us page. They support an orphanage in India called Open Door Mercy Home Trust – home to 22 boy and girls. How amazing to know they are doing this as giving back to the community is high on my agenda with my children books as well.

📷: Oh, Hatley you can even make my little dance in a smock dress.

📷: How cute is this blouse? She loves the horses and silver stripes on it. #toddlerapproved #hatley

📷: Superstar status

📷: This dress was hands down her favorite as she loves strawberries and pink. We’re on the Millennium bridge heading back home from Tate Modern.

📷: Fall collection is coming soon so be sure to keep an eye out for Hatley that also gives back – my kind of shop. ♥️♥️

Mamas & Papas – what else do you do in preparation for the soon to be expired only child status? I would love to hear! xx

I just couldn’t resist taking more pictures with these adorable prints from Hatley. They have women’s clothing as well and some are perfect for twinning with your little!  LOVE.

Cheers for now and don’t forget to stop and enjoy life’s little things (like lavender). 😎