5 Months Ago.ย 

I can’t believe just 5 months ago we were living in London and traveling to all these amazing countries so quickly. I didn’t think I would miss living in Europe so much but I do – the ease of getting around without driving, getting a quick bite to eat, seeing gorgeous architecture with a snap of my fingers, or just hanging out at a park/cafe people watching with an afternoon drink. ๐Ÿท๐Ÿ˜Ž

๐Ÿ“ท: My favorite jewelry store, Boodles. It’s a British company so I just had to get a piece before leaving. I think Britain is missing me as much as I miss living there because I sadly lost one of the earrings the other day. ๐Ÿ˜ฅ๐Ÿ˜ฅ #timetogoback #boodles 

Without a doubt, my hubs will always be Cali dude (although he can’t swim…yet) so our 2 year stint in London was a lovely break. Maybe in a couple years, another opportunity will come along and we’ll be out of the ‘burbs again. #fingerscrossed 

When we lived in London, we quickly abandoned the stroller for Abigail and she learned to walk everywhere and loved it. She walked 7 miles one day with no complaints. Rain or shine. 

So, now that we moved back to socal, I went on a mission to find the perfect stroller for me to use for Addison. 
My requirements: 

  • 4 wheels (at least 2 in the front to go up and down the escalator even though you’re not suppose to)
  • maneuver easily with one hand while holding a coffee 
  • baby A can face both ways
  • car seat friendly
  • not too heavy
  • easy to close without feeling like you’re going to pinch a finger

Easy right?!
I came across Kangaroo by Venice Child and fell in love. The colors, the simple design, versatile, and all terrain really caught my attention and not to mention it was founded in California (home again). ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป

We got our Kangaroo last week and wow I can vouch that it meets all my needs. 

She can see the world just a little higher up and at 3 different inclines.

We can definitely easily manuever it one handed, easily close it, change the recline positions and oh my you’ll have to stop and chat with people on how styling your babe is in it. 

Most importantly, A loves it and makes sure it’s nearby. ๐Ÿ˜œ

So cheers for now as baby A was snoozing in her Kangaroo by Venice Child while mama wrote this. 

P.S. The front bar can be removed. Also, when you’re packing away in your car, I found the easiest is to just take off the seat and pack separately from the bottom part. #soinlove

London Love.

I can’t believe in 15 days we will be moving out of London. It’s been a whirlwind of fun here. I call it my 2 year holiday (hubs doesn’t as he was working both U.K. and U.S. hours) with all the memories we created here. 

We’re soaking in (and getting soaked) some of our favorite spots and checking out the plethora of things to do with kids that make London so special – this weekend was ice skating. 

Since our little toddler has been sick, we decided to let her sit in the Uppababy stroller for the day (Age – 3 years and 7 months old). 

๐Ÿ“ท: There are lifts for your buggy at a lot of the stations but if there isn’t, there is always someone nice that will stop and help you out – I swear!

๐Ÿ“ท: Am I going to continue to look right when I move back? ๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ง โžก๏ธ ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ

๐Ÿ“ท: Shoreditch is probably one of my favorite areas with the street art, street food, Indian food, cool coffee shops, and shopping. It’s a very up and coming area with lots of hipsters. Definitely worth going to. 

๐Ÿ’Ÿ: Uppababy Gluxe gets a parents approved from us. Folds up nicely and so easy to navigate. It has a light narrow build for help going through an urban lifestyle. Perfect for day to day with your baby as there is plenty of storage space and you can hang stuff quickly on the handles. They recommend baby being at least 3 months in age to use. To note, this pram isn’t car seat adaptable. 

๐Ÿ“ท: Can’t leave London without a proper Sunday Roast. We love it at the Pig and Butcher (btw – It’s been in tons of articles as a delicious place to eat in London) 

๐Ÿ’Ÿ: Addison with her @twistshakebaby (how cool that the little container next to it fits inside the bottle to put a snack or another round of formula – so travel friendly. Plus, there is a mixer for baby colic!). AND guess what, use CODE: FANNY30 for 30% off! 

๐Ÿ“ท: Ice skating at Tower of London. Doesn’t get any better with the view. If you’re planning on going, make reservations and pay online. Sessions to skate are 45 minutes. 

๐Ÿ“ท: Twinning poses. ๐Ÿ˜‚ View of the Shard – currently the tallest building in the U.K.  

๐Ÿ“ท: London skyline (it’s actually barely 4:30pm). 

Cheers for now and thanks for reading. xx

Falling Apples Here.

Oh so sad to feel fall is here. It is like it was never here with this crazy London weather. Last year was not like this as I clearly remember calling the landlord and asking how to turn on the air conditioning since it was so hot & humid.  He proceeded to tell me it’s not common for London flats to have a/c since it is only hot a handful of days and to just open the windows (oh so true!).  Another thing not common to have are screens on the windows – not a big bug/mosquito problem here! ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป

Anyhow, when I think of fall, I think of apples (although I haven’t gotten the chance to go apple picking).  Now, throw in a 3 year old toddler and I’m thinking crafts and food. I love looking at Pinterest for ideas, but I do try to restrict the time I spend on there as my hubs keeps relaying I should be sleeping when the newborn is.

I found this amazing blogger named Kimberly and love her website with both crafts and recipes. She had exactly what I was looking for: apple crafts.  I can’t wait to try some with my little on some of the rainy weekends to come.

OK, OK – it’s time to talk rain gear since we live in London.  I couldn’t be happier with what we have for our first little. We went with Hatley since it’s popular in London with its stylish prints and terry cloth lining inside and of course I found an apple print.  Did you know they’re based in Canada and ship worldwide?  Now, time to find something for mama! Any favorite brands you have?

Showing some Hatley love with her raincoat and boots. This is from their new fall collection. #soinlove

๐Ÿ“ท: Photobombed by my little. Baby wearing wrap from Beluga Baby. They use bamboo material and it’s amazing.  Super soft and stretchy just enough for babe to be comfy. Also, very breatheable and I’m not sweating in it!  Can this be my outfit everyday? #musthave

๐Ÿ“ท: Sunday funday was checking out the #greatfire350 of London. They burned this 120 foot display later in the day to celebrate its 350th anniversary.

๐Ÿ“ท: She’s ready for fall…

I am for pumpkin spice!

Don’t forget – love my watch? I partnered with JORD for a giveaway. Enter now

Cheers for now and thanks for stopping by. xx

In 37 Minutes.ย 

Disclaimer: May be just a sprinkle of TMI but a wonderful surprise comes along with a giveaway at the end. ๐Ÿ˜ฏ

How quickly it can fly by when you’re in pain but you keep thinking, “Is baby Addison ok in there after baking for almost 39 weeks?”

The adrenaline rush is insane.

๐Ÿ“ท : The birthing story.

We will just go with the day of Addison’s arrival into the world of adventures and jetsetting around the world with the family. 

The contractions started around 5pm but I really didn’t think anything of it since I was comparing this pregnancy with Abigail (I had contractions yet wasn’t dilated for well over 24 hours). After about a hour, I started wondering if maybe this was different and told the hubs cooking a scrumptious dinner of Korean food which is hard to come by in London. I told him we should probably go after dinner just to see what’s going on since I heard all these horror stories of waiting around for ages to get a bed.  He agreed.  About a hour later, the contractions started getting much more painful and I timed it at about 1 min each and less than 4 minutes apart. Hmm, I think that I may be in labor.  I calmly told hubs, my mom, and Abigail that I need to go to the hospital now. 

We called Uber (wish we had a car in London) and it promptly came at 6:28pm. 

UCLH – Elizabeth Garrett Anderson Wing, here we come. We got to the hospital at 6:43pm and I was in pain. We both seem to have forgotten exactly where to go again and the halls were pretty empty along with the swinging double doors needing to be rung to be buzzed in.

Finally, got to the correct unit and the receptionist asked me for an urine sample. “OMG – urine in a cup at this time?! I painfully walked what seemed like a mile down the hallway and made it back (almost tossing the urine at the receptionist for making me do this).  

Shortly, Evelyn, a super sweet nurse, took me to a room and that’s when it became a blur.

Starting with umm, I think I’m in a labor, uhh I think I’m going to have it now. Ow, I can’t hold it. Breathe in through your nose, out through your mouth. Huh? Breathe, don’t scream? What, I can’t have the baby on this bed, we have to go somewhere else?!!! WHAT!!!

Anyhow, Evelyn was a goddess.  Super calm and quickly got things executed.

  • Called all the right people the 1st time around
  • Got a labor & delivery room
  • Called for a midwife to be there to deliver baby
  • Wheeled us downstairs or upstairs (not sure) while I thought I was peeing in the wheelchair
  • Set up the room and kept telling me I can’t deliver just quite yet.

In the room, Evelyn kept relaying to me to breath and wait for the midwife (with NHS, you get whoever is on shift as with your midwife appointments throughout your pregnancy). Seemed like a decade, but Chloe the midwife arrives (first impression – looks REALLY young) and they catch each other up and she starts saying that I’m healthy maybe I want to sign some papers to donate my cord to the bank.

HELLOO ladies, I think I think I’m going to push NOW…and this part becomes the real blur that hubs has to fill in.

He said I told them I had to go to the bathroom first but changed my mind and said my water is breaking. Barely made it to the delivery bed (while they still wanted to check my blood pressure) and baby was already crowning once my pants came off (who needs to waste a hospital gown?). ๐Ÿ˜œ

They gave me gas by the bed (I thought it was just oxygen to tell me to just remember to breathe) and I pushed and out popped the head. A couple more pushes while I was thinking “just think you’re pooping” and out came baby Addison. It was crazy that I felt the hands and feet coming out. 

All I can remember saying is, “How come she’s not crying?” and then it came:

” Wahhh!”

๐Ÿ“ท : Time into the world, Addison. 7:20pm @ 7.1 pounds & 19 inches, August 13, 2016.

I still can’t believe the record time I arrived into the hospital to delivery of baby Addison at 7:20pm. 37 minutes to be precise and I have #jordwatches and #uber to thank for that.

Why Jord Watches? This is my 2nd watch in my lifetime of nice watches and I love the choice I made. The bigger face plate makes it much easier to see the time while one is a state of pain. I love how the watch is automatic – no worries about changing the batteries, yay!  This particular rose gold watch is made of a Koa wood (a species native to Hawaii – sold me on feeling relaxed and at ease). I got it on that Saturday so I was happily wearing it and my hubs was telling me this would be our 5 year anniversary present since it is “wood” this year.

Anyhow, as cheesy as I am, I thank Jord Watches for keeping me at ease and a watchful eye on the time to the birth of Addison. Sorry, I didn’t get a chance to capture pictures of it in the labor room – may be a bit much. lol.

So, I partnered with Jord Watches to run a GIVEAWAY where one winner will receive a $75 gift card and every ENTRANT will automatically receive a $20 gift card toward any watch.

Enter the GIVEAWAY here .

๐Ÿ“ท : Cora Koa & Rose Gold Jord Watch 

๐Ÿ“ท : Cora Koa & Rose Gold Jord Watch 

Cheers for now, enter the giveaway (click this giveaway link), and more to come on the experience after the birth! xx

Ladies Wood Watch

36 Weeks Pregnant.ย 

My hubs always says it is only 9 months and I always have to correct him and say it’s actually 40 weeks which is 10 months of sacrifices. ๐Ÿ™„

Pregnancy the second time around has been a little bit more relaxing as I’m not stressing about everything and I feel I know what to expect when baby girl #2 comes. One thing I’ve been really focused on is making sure I’m showering lots of love and attention to my first – Abigail. ๐Ÿ˜˜  We talk about baby sister a lot and what she will share and help me with to what she cannot eat or play with yet. It’s crazy at 3 years and 3 months what she remembers from these “deep” conversations we have. Love it.

We’ve been getting happy mail post for both her and baby so I always want her to feel extra special when mail is for her and she gets to wear it first.  She loves when I tell her baby sister gets it as a “hand me down.”

She loved happy mail post from Hatley since she adores wearing dresses and twirling like a ballerina or just busting a groove with finally good London weather (well one day at least). So, we have been going around town and just spending mummy and daughter time. โ™ฅ๏ธ

I fell in love with Hatley for the bright colors and adorable prints and even more in love when I read their about us page. They support an orphanage in India called Open Door Mercy Home Trust – home to 22 boy and girls. How amazing to know they are doing this as giving back to the community is high on my agenda with my children books as well.

๐Ÿ“ท: Oh, Hatley you can even make my little dance in a smock dress.

๐Ÿ“ท: How cute is this blouse? She loves the horses and silver stripes on it. #toddlerapproved #hatley

๐Ÿ“ท: Superstar status

๐Ÿ“ท: This dress was hands down her favorite as she loves strawberries and pink. We’re on the Millennium bridge heading back home from Tate Modern.

๐Ÿ“ท: Fall collection is coming soon so be sure to keep an eye out for Hatley that also gives back – my kind of shop. โ™ฅ๏ธโ™ฅ๏ธ

Mamas & Papas – what else do you do in preparation for the soon to be expired only child status? I would love to hear! xx

I just couldn’t resist taking more pictures with these adorable prints from Hatley. They have women’s clothing as well and some are perfect for twinning with your little!  LOVE.

Cheers for now and don’t forget to stop and enjoy life’s little things (like lavender). ๐Ÿ˜Ž

Relaxing with Lavender.ย 

Ah, the smell of lavender and the oils it produces. It helps in relaxing your mind and muscles. I’m hoping it will do the same for me at now 36 weeks pregnant with gestational diabetes. I know there have been articles about the safety of oils and after reading on babycenter, I decided it would be ok as I’m well into my 3rd trimester and it says it helps with lowering blood pressure (mine is a tad high ๐Ÿ˜Ÿ)

๐Ÿ“ท: She’s so ready for baby sister to come – loves to giver her hugs and kisses daily. Also, wearing the #upsiebelly by Belly Bandit here – so helpful for this big ‘ole belly of mine and walking we did.

We headed out with another family to go to Mayfield Lavender Farm (1.5 hours away) on a gorgeous London day so it was worth the trip out to the “burbs.” I will note we went on a weekend and it was pretty packed so getting nice photos in can take a bit of time (it’s also quite a tourist spot with people dressing up to take pictures in the fields).

A couple things to note:

  • Fat bumblebees galore in the fields but they’re pretty occupied with the lavender so don’t bother you. ๐Ÿ
  • Sitting at the tables (only place to really sit) means you purchase cafe/bbq from the farm. No picnicking. Don’t worry, the food is good! They even have homemade lavender ice cream which I heard was really tasty.
  • Take the ยฃ2 tractor ride (sit on the right side when you enter to take pictures with lavender in the background) and if you’re real nice, the driver can drop you off on the other side and there are some greater photo opportunities with taller lavender.
  • Kids can have fun looking for beetle bugs (green bugs) with the jars.

๐Ÿ“ท: Beetle hunting. Mission failed. They found bumblebees & snails instead. ๐Ÿ๐ŸŒ

More on lavender (you can even make your own lavender oil from this informative read)

๐Ÿ“ท: On a mission to make her own lavender.

Product LOVES: A in one of her gorgeous dresses from this amazing shop: Ele Storyย ๐Ÿ‘€ She wil have mommy and daughter twinning dresses soon (Tutus already) which I can’t wait to get!

Of course, it’s not complete without a bow from this amazing shop with very well made bows (we vouch for the clips since that’s the only thing A will wear). ย Mia Heartmadeย ๐Ÿ’Ÿ

Last thing before signing off – happy birthday to my Dad. We miss you everyday & the real reason we came to the lavender fields. โ™ฅ๏ธ

Missing Cali.ย 

With summer finally here in London (I think it’s short lived as it says it will be raining yet again on Friday and Saturday), it’s funny the particular things I miss and wish we had in London. Who knew I would think of toilet seat covers as one of them? 

๐Ÿ“ท: LAX bathroom before flight back to London. 

I also think of good charmin’ toilet paper as well since I just can’t seem to find the perfect toilet paper in London. 

Target – oh man, how I love thee. Although my husband sure doesn’t miss this, I do. It’s seriously the one stop shop to everything along with great deals and the cutest things from marimekko to ohjoy. By the way, she’s got an amazing blog on DIY to pictures of her family to cute clothing to dress your littles in. I would jump on following her blog and just subscribe to get in your inbox. This gal is a serious inspiration and goal to strive to become a mom boss. โ™ฅ๏ธ

๐Ÿ“ท: ohjoy collection – love the alphabet line of course to tie in with my alphabet boardbook series. #lovebooksbyaj 

California Pizza Kitchen – my chain restaurant that I love way too much. Two must haves are the Sicilian pizza (if you’re a protein lover) and the delicious spinach artichoke dip. Yummy in everyone’s tummy – I swear. Ok, maybe not the super health conscious or anyone wanting to be remotely healthy. #cheatmeal

Water time – living in the ‘burbs, definitely spoiled with the abundant pools, splash pads, beaches and fountains to frolic in. 

๐Ÿ“ท: beach water fun in Cali #nofilter

๐Ÿ“ท: penthouse water fun in London 

Snacks – just to name a few I haven’t found in a normal London market (so many and we wonder why obesity is a problem in the USA ๐Ÿ˜ฎ)

  • Red vine (I hear it’s at Costco!)
  • Cheetos – flaming hots
  • Chex mix
  • Cheez-its
  • Goldfish
  • Lemon heads 
  • Tostitos – restaurant style (they’re the thin ones)

Am I leaving you with a case of the munchies now? BUT, don’t get me wrong either, I love London and all the adventures we can go on so quickly around Europe. Maybe I got overloaded with vitamin D yesterday and today and that’s why I wrote this blog or maybe I’m just missing Cali – soon enough we’ll be home as a family of 4 + reunited with our dog. 

Side note: currently at 35 weeks pregnant and feeling a lot better with the belly bandit upsie belly for back support and this growing belly (ultrasound said baby is at 5 pounds!). Bamboo soft wrap and comfy to wear with nothing digging into your growing belly. The other fabulous thing is it comes with a cold/hot gel pack that sticks into a pocket in the wrap to soothe your back – perfect for this “heatwave” here. ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿปโ˜€๏ธ๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ง #bellybandit 

Cheers for now and thanks for reading! xx

Liberty London Love.ย 

I just can’t get over how these Liberty London flower prints got me and millions of other people swooning over them. They are too precious! Maybe I love it more since we live in London. ๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡งโ™ฅ๏ธ More on specifically Flowers of Liberty.  

Currently, there is a lot of Liberty prints at uniqlo – I wanted to add I love their line called airism. Amazing, especially the bra camisole. Perfect length and so comfy. I don’t know how I’m going to be able to go back to wearing a bra! Sorry, #tmi โ˜บ๏ธ

Shop Small LOVE

One of the first small shops (and she just launched!) that I found on IG that made Liberty print dresses was Madebyjay. She was a pleasure to work with and omg her packaging and details are wonderful. The dress came at a perfect length and my little loves it. We actually have matching prints but mine is a tank top from Uniqlo that she said the flowers are much bigger on my growing belly ๐Ÿ˜‚. You have to love that candid honesty in a kid. 

๐Ÿ“ท : cute buttons at the top to take on and off easily. It would be pretty awesome if it was reversible as its thin and perfect for warm weather. 

๐Ÿ“ท : if you’re really sweet, Madebyjay may even throw in a pair of bloomers. โ™ฅ๏ธ

๐Ÿ“ท : Loves it with her cons of course. Ready to run amuck! 

Of course, if you give a girl a dress, you have to give her an accessory (just like giving a mouse a cookie ๐Ÿช). I’ll highlight just one bow shop that I love since she’s also an expat from the USA living in London like me! Her shop just opened as well and this mama couldn’t be more sweet. She also makes bow ties for your little dude too! 

Shop small LOVE: MaddieandMeLondon 

  • We got several items but my little got to them before I could snap some pictures. The last 2 before she insisted she open them. The headband will be adorable on baby girl – super soft. 

๐Ÿ“ท : twinning in their bows at princess Diana’s memorial playground. 

Cheers for now and thanks for reading! xx